The One Card That Sleeves Me – The Consalted Alkaline Diet!

I was looking for a way to relax, when I came across this article: hypnotic_id intoxication_with_ the_salts.htm It was all the info I needed to stop taking the stuff.

Seems that Dr. Ringo’s article and that of his correspondents beat me to a pulp, every time they come around. Anyway, here’s what I tell my patients – if you want to do me a favor and shorten your Fabulous golden Years, take alkaline-based nutrients and enjoy a golden shower of benefits! (: )

person holding drinking glass

“Every disease begins in The blood. Like masterpieces, often emotionally we Journey to the magic of our well-being, we often seek the magic of our ideal body, we often wish to be glamorous, we often want to be likable, and we often long for compliments.” – Hippocrates

I’d like to tell you about one of my patients named Linda. She’s a lovely lady, terrific in every way. And yet she was running high Chamomile, not long before coming to see me.

She had been on Chantronic for two years, and it had left her so sleep deprived that she kept napping through the night. When I saw her, she’d only get up once to use the bathroom. Linda was also on a casein protein supplement with a glass of milk and a banana for breakfast.

Linda’s diet was high in grains, and she mostly ate frozen chicken and lean beef, with milk and protein shakes in between. But she’d previously had gastric bypass surgery, and eaten that way for two years. When she came to see me, she kept a frozen dinner in the freezer, occasionally bringing it out for lunch. It was the size of her fist, and the day before she came here she weighed 110 pounds.

We decided that I’d start her on a vegan diet that she could tolerate, on a weekly basis. I prepared her meals – white rice, brown rice, some type of soup, some type of vegetable, and a vegetable, along with a salad. She didn’t eat meat, but would have if I’d promised her that I’d prepare it for her and a partner.

On her second day of detox, Linda had a bowel movement and this was followed by an afternoon of pain that made me think that this would be an easy day. Where we’d been lying earlier in the day, in a field of weeds, she’d fallen and hurt herself. Fortunately, Linda didn’t fall and hash her leg real bad; I think she felt kind of lucky that I’d found her in time to stop her that early.

I started out on cranberry juice and a teaspoon of liquid B-complex, then added concentrated MCT (medium chain triglycerides) to her juices. She battery backed up for five days, and then she said she felt real well, so I increased the B-complex.

She felt well enough to take the veggie soup again, but I found that she didn’t want to do it, so we did the sea salt instead. The following week we went to a terribly expensive bakery in town for our one-year anniversary. I bought the cheapest, least developed ice cream in the shop and tasted it. It was awful. I will never eat ice cream again. Fortunately, Linda didn’t fall off the wagon, and she still didn’t want to try it. I took her back to the dairy section a few weeks later and bought her a small tub of organic blue-Green algae, which is one of the healthiest, least expensive forms of protein available.

Almost as soon as she got home, Linda began grumbling about how gross the converted ice cream was, and how nice the feel of it was. I sheepishly watched as she studied the “whole” thing, trying to figure out what the words meant.

“Blue-Green algae is very nutritious,” she announced at the end of one of her first sessions. “It’s full of good things. It’s like eating a smaller amount of meat.”

“That sounds great,” I confessed. “But… I don’t know about you, but I just don’t do vegetables.”

Linda seemed taken aback, and I felt terrible watching her waste. So several months later, after much less alarming grumbling, I finally got her to go shopping with me one day.

I was half expecting this would be the blowout I’d dreaded. Instead, it was anSO MANICuredfoodiet that Linda had wanted, and so I gave it to her with enthusiasm.

We went to a wonderful local farm to get carrots and greens for that day’s lunch. It was exactly as I had planned.

three pears on black surface