Raw Foods Diet – Improve Your Health & Weight

Because we are actually paying closer attention to what we eat and how much of it we are actually eating, focusing on exercise and making sure our diets are packed with vitamins and minerals.

Many people choose to follow diets that are mostly vegetarian or vegan. But having animal products in your daily diet, even if you do so occasionally, can adverse you health.

cooked food on blue ceramic plate

This is why many people are looking more towards herbal and whole food supplements, such as for weight loss and antioxidants.

But why, if it’s possible to go organic, should you?

Well, you can’t go organic and not expect to lose weight or gain health benefits. If you’re going to include organic products in your diet, you need to make sure you get a heavy consumer of fresh fruits and vegetables. Consider vitamin C and zinc deficiencies. Also consider probiotics which are picked up naturally and added to foods.

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We’re glad you asked!

There are at least 20 reasons that show why you should make the switch over to organic foods. Here are just a few:

Organic foods are produced without pesticides, attract better pollens, so you’re less likely to get sick from pollens, and they help teach you about better nutrition.

Organic foods are rich in vitamins that can help keep you healthy. vitamins A, B, and C are a few examples.

Vitamin K is very important, so include foods that include this vitamin in your diet.

Fruits and vegetables are important components of any diet. Organic foods are no exception. If you include them in your diet for the vitamins and minerals, you will feel better and look better in the process.

Keeping your body running better can boost your energy levels and help you lose weight. Although,turmeric, which is an ingredient in curry can have a downside, studies have shown that it also regulates blood sugar levels and blood pressure levels. This means that it can probably help prevent some forms of diabetes.

This is good news for the certain 1.3 billion people that suffer from diabetes. Although,you shouldn’t eat too much of the curry for it can have a laxative effect and diuretic. So, curry should be eaten moderately.

Cancer fighting properties-Basil contains a chemical (cilantro) that stimulates the immune system. studies show that this herbal chemical may protect against Breast Cancer (form of anaplastic breast cancer) and possibly other types of cancer.

One study by the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Study focused that 7% of basilings tested positive for formalinases. 10% of these were found to be responsible for killing Pretreated Balut in Japan.

Another study found that 7% of basil tested positive for the disinfectant, sanitiser and the insecticide, chloramine.

The main component of basil that inhibits drug metabolism is flavonoids which are found in basil. This is why basil can be added to pizza bases to kill the bacteria Listeria.

Keep those pets away from basil can beEven if they are fed organic feed, there is another story.One amazing experiment was carried out at Penn State College of Medicine. 7 people were given 7 grams of basil. They were split into groups, and each group was given a dose of one gram of basil twice daily for a period of 3 months.

The results? group 1 ate the basil daily, group 2 ate the seeds once daily and group 3 ate the seeds less frequently. Blood tests revealed that the group consuming the seeds had lower body mass indexes, with associated lower body fat levels, than group 2.

Of course, if you want to add basil to your spaghetti sauce, it’s in the form of pesto sauce. Pesto first prepared in Italy in the 1880’s is a blend of basil, nuts and sometimes pine nuts, according to a Food History News article.Copycat versions have since been developed in the United States.

The basil, basil and tomato are related in that they are all members of the mint family. Basil is also related to spearmint and cinnamon. Just from the name, it’s clear that basil can be considered a hybrid of the two.

Here’s an interesting story. A gentleman by the name of Savior Potatoes was apparently so full of vigor, that he would sing for hours. Because of his gesticulation and singing, people were naturally drawn to him. Eventually, his singing practice caused his price for the herbs to rise rapidly. In gratitude for his vigor, God gave him and all his inventions, special powers and the ability to sing without any harm to anyone or plant.

Basil is also a natural healing herb

Although it has many other medicinal benefits, theBasilis actually a healing herb.

bread with cream and strawberry slices on plate