Free High Fructose Corn Aspartame

Why is High Fructose Corn Aspartame so dangerous? The ORAC score of HFCS is 20 times that of sugar. 20 times the “life threatening” effects of sugar. 20 times the “toxicological Risk of gasoline”. And 20 times the sodium content.

“In studies, patients have experienced allergic reactions to aspartame that lasted for weeks or months… There are anecdotal accounts of people having strokes and losing vision,and other eye problems after drinking aspartame-sweetened beverages.” (source: “Aspartame”

person holding painting beside apples

In 1994, a study was done on the effects of a “Free High Fructose Corn Syrup” diet. The following was the result. In one month, 21 of the 34 participants (33%) in the diet program developed clinical depression and 12 of them started having cravings for sugars, even though they were not being given any. (

A study was later done in the US of chemical sweeteners such as saccharin and aspartame. What was found was that both saccharin and aspartame caused a swing in the blood sugar higher than what could be obtained by drinking theoda syrups. (source: “Aspartame”

Research has found that when sweeteners are fed to animals, they tend to produce higher quantities of the hormone leptin, which regulates satiety. (Leptin means “calorie-Finding hormone” in Greek). The consumption of these sweeteners also contributes to an increase in weight gain in these animals. (source: “Aspartame”

Furthermore, it has been found that people who suffer from___s rationalai ___xia feel obligation or compulsion to consume these products, while those who suffer from___idical problems experience only mild withdrawal symptoms and do not feel obligated to use these products. (source: “Aspartame”

On top of the health risks that come with sweeteners, people also experience problems in concentrating andcrash rates. In addition, they have problems with their memory, Ghrelin (read: hunger) and many more.

Right now, over 90 different diseases have been linked to sweeteners. If you continue to consume them, you are also consuming loads of other toxins that you did not know about before.

Dr. James F. Balch ( writes, “Upon further review, it turns out that aspartame is not some innocentnecessary ingredient substitutionagus common in products like diet sodas that you buy at the store. Aspartame is the common ingredient in more than a thousand US drugs, including some medications for which you are now taking as a reason for continued use.”

What about the side effects? Well, a side effect associated with aspartame is dizziness, loss of balance, muscle spasms and seizures. These symptoms have been reported by aspartame consumers and medical researchers for nearly 20 years. In 1998, the FDA’s Adverse Reaction Monitoring System began monitoring reports of adverse reactions to aspartame from aspartame. During the past 19 years, FDA scientists have conducted over 8 billion tests and more than 7 million seizures to determine the side effects of aspartame.

Most of the reports released were in agreement with the FDA’s 1998 Obsession with Aspartame. builds on the 1998 study which found that consumers were consuming the aspartame with little to no side effects.

In 1998, an FDA team of scientists reviewed the scientific literature surrounding the claims that aspartame is a safe, ‘diet-friendly’ additive. They also reviewed the published literature on aspartame’s adverse reactions. The FDA did not mention any artificial sweeteners in their report.

A number of useful information sources are available for those who want to learn about the history of artificial sweeteners, both good and bad!

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides us with access to the Sweetener Information Database ( You can enter the seed oil, corn syrup or corn syrup, saccharin, aspartame, acesulfame potassium, sucralose, neotame and ethanol in theSearch field on the web site.

The Sweetener Facts sheet entitled ‘Controversy over Artificial Sweeteners’ by Health & Human Services also provides a wealth of information.

Interesting topics covered in this brief include:

Afriend wrote me recently about how the new artificial sweeteners seemed to put everyone off their diet.

I had put up a quick blog post concerning my impression of the new sweeteners (including aspartame) and their health risks and benefits.

green fruits