The Paleta Iberica Recebo Eaten As Finger Food In Tapas

1 More about Tapas

When “tapas” are consumed in eating places they are consumed as entry meals, preparatory to the main meal. Sometimes they are consumed as snacks. Tapas are a set of Spanish appetizer meals that are consume in Spanish cafes and restaurants.Tapas are called this way because they were used to cover the drink consumers were having while standing. In the begining it was just a simple slice of bread. Distinct Spanish areas have numerous variations of Tapas meals servings. The amount of food served may be different and they are called in different ways. Examples of them are ración, montadito and pulguita.

food photography of spices and meat

2.2 Advantages of Finger Foods

2.1 Definition

Food that you can eat with your hands are called “finger foods”. They may be made from fish, meat, and vegetables.

2.2 Examples

Fish finger meals contains bass sticks, tuna, mini salmon wellingtons, smoked bass, bass balls, bass fillets and fried bass; while meat finger food are chicken stripes, pigs in a blanket, Buffalo wings, oysters, grilled and fried chickens, ham, pork chop, pork and beef fillet plus more. Buffalo wing is not as common in Spain as in the USA. Vegetable finger food items can either be cooked, grated and sliced potatoes, sautéed green beans, asparagus rolls, vegetable salad and tomato salad.

3 Paleta Iberica recebo and consumed as finger foods:

There are several cured products that can be consumed with your fingers. This can be produced from fish, meat and vegetables.

•alusolenic acid, a micro acid present in certain foods, helps in the prevention of certain diseases. This can be gained from oak pollen, sunflowers and acorns.

•the vitamin C contained in certain foods can ensure a healthy immune system.

•the iron and calcium in foods can help in the growth of your bones and teeth.

•the protein contained in milk can help in the formation of crimson blood cells and help in the proper circulation of blood.

3.1 Benefits of Finger Foods

Finger foods are small quantities of food that can be consumed with greater ease. They are generally inexpensive. They are convenient and delicious. This way, you can eat depending on your mood, without having to worry much.

Foods that contain bones, fish and meat are best for finger foods. So, you need not worry about your budget. The minimum amount you can spend on food each month is from three dollars.

fortnightly food shopping is an okay way to save money on food. You can place your order in the already low price period before the specified date. But, you need to refer to the price list each time you refill your food shelves. Refill once in ten years if you do not refill.

Meat finger foods are sufficient sources of protein. Vegetable finger food can be combined with soups and stews to add additional flavor.

You can buy meat or fish either fresh or frozen. Or you can buy a combination of both.

You can marinate beef or chicken before cooking it. So, it can be kept even in the cold weather.

You can do a food shopping while walking and stop at the supermarket if you see a good deal.

Fruit and vegetables can be marinated or cooked.

You can have prepared meals completely free of preservatives.

You will have lesser chance of getting cancer of the liver and kidneys.

Your life expectancy will be improved because you will no longer be drinking water which is not recommended due to the acidic structure of water.

Water that you drink is not sufficient to enable you to live. Yes, exceed the limit and you will have almost no chance left for your body.

Salt and sugar balance will be maintained in your body.

You will have acute and chronic attacks of headaches instead of usual headaches.

You will have increased sensation of coldness, flu like symptoms, as well as flu like symptoms.

Common flu like symptoms food poisoning, fevers, colds, constipation, bellyache, jaundice, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, liver abscesses, rotweakened nerves.

Allergic reactions to food which can affect seriously your organ system.


When you take insulin and after that saturated oils, fats like ghee and jam, milk you have practically ASAPFET. OK so its’ not advisable to take anytime soon after being saturated fats. But when you say ghee is steamed so it gives out saturated fats, then it becomes OK for you to eat it. Consume then without giving it up for a long time.

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