Nutrition And Obesity
There are nearly 34 million people in the United States alone who are obese by the medical definition – more than 20% over their optimal body weight. The combined total of people in the country who are currently dieting, who have just finished a diet, who have given up diets, and those who have given up diets combined number almost half of the entire U.S. population at any given time.
There are more overweight people in the U.S. than in any other country, and people who are not overweight are beginning to develop a taste for the junk food that all of us love so much but don’t actually help the rest of the population by doing anything about it. Obesity is truly an epidemic in this country that needs to be addressed, and every day we feed our children more and more food that we never have to consider how that food was grown or whether or not it’s still safe to eat.
We wonder why the childhood obesity rate continues to rise in the United States, and we keep eating highly processed food, but the obesity rate seems to be nowhere near the all time high. One of the reasons is that we are actually not eating as healthy as we thought we were 20 years ago. Rather than fresh, natural foods we are mainly eating highly processed foods, and the way our food is highly processed today is destroying our health. Of course it’s very nice to have some nice healthy fruits and vegetables, but if those vegetables have been highly processed, it’s impossible for them to have any real value to us in terms of nutrition.
Have you ever noticed how the candy, junk food and sodas on the supermarket shelves still look inviting to you? Yet you keep on buying them? It’s not that you want to, it’s not that you don’t want to, it’s not that you don’t want to, it’s just that you’ve gotten so used to the way those products taste, and the sense of indulgence you get from eating them.
Have you ever noticed how the candy, junk food and sodas on the supermarket shelves still look inviting to you? Yet you keep on buying them? It’s not that you want to, it’s not that you don’t want to, it’s not that you don’t want to, it’s just that you’ve gotten so used to the taste of those products that you find the taste delicious and that’s what you like.
In the past couple of years another company pulled out of the wrapper and made new, lower calorie, natural, whole grain and organic food products. One of them, however, has a strange catch phrase. It’s catch phrase is “Bleu,zed.”
What does that mean?
It’s a way of describing low calorie, natural, unprocessed food. Unfortunately, for those of you who are reading this and thinking that healthy natural food is difficult to come by, it’s not.
The slogan “Bleu,zed” is how companies try to make the distinction that these new lower calorie products are still very high in fat and calories to still qualify as healthy food.
To me, that’s like a double edged sword.
On one hand it means that these new lower calorie products are somehow healthier than their ancestors, no question. However, these new lower calorie products also fall into the category of companies milking you for all your money with an half-truth.
Your body craves balance. It needs natural food, proper nutrition and exercise. One or the other is not sufficient to meet its needs.
When you eat highly processed empty calories called foods, you are grabbing your happiness into your hand. It’s like a drug, only with worse side effects.
The ingredients listed for a tonic-sized, highly flavored, highly saturated “Bleuze” drink are called active plant tannins. In the manufacturing process these active plant tannins are extracted from the plant tissues and rolled up like a tobacco leaf.
If roll it up properly, you get a product that looks like tobacco leaf. Now, if you want to barbecue with this stuff, yes it will be loaded with 6 or 7 of the most addictive drugs known to man, alcohol.
ergo, a little bit of these will not be too damaging to your health, but in excess, in your body, they will slowly break down your organs, and give you everything that you crave, without a single drop of natural flavor, or nutrition, whatsoever.