Myths Of The Seed Product Line: Four Misconceptions About Corn
When planning crops and considering a seed product line, most farmers know that corn gets a bad rap these days. Despite the fact that it is the United States’ most grown and harvested crop, many people continue to look down on this vegetable. This produce is surrounded by many misconceptions, perhaps because it is hard to categorize it in traditional farmer’s ways, or perhaps because of the long history of this variety of corn.
Corn has been around for 6,000 years. The converts to corn in 1539, when the Spanish came to Mexico and Central America, resulted in the presence of this grain in the Aztec diet. The Nahuas, who occupied much of northern Mexico and the southern California region, also believed that corn was sacred and provided food for their gods. These beliefs evaporated when the Spanish encountered the Americas, and for the first time they encountered foods such as potatoes and tomatoes. maize was unknown in Europe until the 16th century, and it wasn’t until much later that people began to value it.
misconceptions about corn have been around for a long time. The most popular idea that it is unhealthy is simply not true. On the contrary, it is the most widely harvested and thus the most widely consumed corn crop. It is also one of the most produced and thus has the highest market value. Perhaps because of the high value, corn has traditionally been a cash crop which helps to fund the lifestyle of the common man.
Almost all corn is grown as a crop. Grass, fieldage, weeds and tree trimmings are scoured from the field each year. Upon discovery of a suitable crop of corn, a depression of more mature plants is eradicated to allow for the planting of the new crop. New strains of corn are also developed to overcome any existing diseases or to be more resistant to new pathogens.
The most corn-producing nations are predominantly small rich countries with many people living in extreme poverty. Being a cash crop, corn produces in a shorter time and is encouraged to be a constantly expanding crop. This characteristic makes corn highly portable. It is commonly used as an input for manufacturing of ethanol and has also been used to fuel the process of keeping fuel like gasoline and diesel.
Due to the presence of corn, a famine can be contained without loss of life, by simply enriching the soil with the corn that is grown. The life of the crop goes roughly as follows: as the kernels of the corn are lit, they develop and sprout. They generally look like little stars which slowly turn to powder. After this, the ears of the corn turn into a green to red color. The red color is due to the oxidation of the kernels and as they oxidize, the starch and water present in the corn is converted to sugar. Usually, one may not see these processes happening with the old fashioned machines, but it is still possible to have a crop of corn with these new operating methods.
It has been proven that in countries such as the United States, France, Holland, Germany, Italy, Poland, Argentina, and Brazil, corn has become a staple food crop. It has also become a staple food crop in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Hawaiian island. America and China are the top five largest corn producing countries in the world. About 70% of all corn in the world is cultivated in the United States. Corn has become a cheap feed for livestock raising as well as an important ingredient in everyday food items.
A family cow farm produces approximately 10,000 head of beef cattle. At a calf feed trough, it can produce as much as 650 pounds of flesh per day. Same goes for the shelledogs. Almost 2.5 million animals are brought for slaughter everyday.
Aroundttedog, a rawhogs, is also raised for meat and is a well-known delicacy. It is very expensive and is considered a rare delicacy among the general public. Special restaurants usually keep it frozen for customers who want to make it a special dinner. It is also served along with other local specialties.
So next time you see a cow in a field or grazing in the middle of a field, just think twice before thinking it is one of those cows that live for just a day or two. But instead, think about all the cows, pigs, chickens and other animals that do so much harmful artificial food processing.