If You “Don’t Like Beer”, You’re Just Not Trying
The beer revolution in the United States is real, and it is beautiful. Naysayers can chalk it up to a fad. Traditionalists can scoff as they sip on their can of watered-down mash. Both, ultimately, are simply depriving themselves of what has become a ferocious revival of beer in America. Americans have long been mocked for their beer preferences, lacking in both substance and variety. So what did they do? In the truest of American fashion, they took the best styles of beer from the rest of the world and made them better. All I can say is, “Better Late Than Never”.
The traditional lager-style American beer was originally brewed out of necessity. As prohibition was being gradually repealed, a loophole created by the Volstead Act allowed for alcoholic beverages that were deemed to be non-intoxicating to be produced. This threshold, for whatever reason, was deemed to be 3.2% alcohol by weight, and thus came the creation of the modern day light lager. Shortly after the full repeal of prohibition, Americans were demanding more light lagers. Much of the reason for the increased demand was the belief that beer had become too dark (black) and bland as opposed to the bubbly and flavorful lagers of the pre-prohibition period. Much to their surprise, with their increased demand for beer, there was also a increased demand for carbonated beverages. Although beer did not become overly popular in the United States until the 1970’s, it has traditionally been considered one of the most popular beverages in all of Europe, with some variations even being preferred by centimeters.
A popular European beverage that is also produced with corn syrup is Gran Dum Dum. This sweetened beer is particularly popular in Belgium. Interestingly enough, during the middle ages, it was traditionally manufactured and taken from the cornstarch found in dumplings. Nowadays, it is commonly available as a sweetened and thick lager or beer, again with versions containing flavored liquor, such as rum and brandy.
For much of its time in Europe, beer was primarily consumed as a social beverage, rather than as a beverage to entertain guests and entertain the family. Europeans drank on average around three times a day, and many times they engaged in drinking games and other competitions to determine the best-drinking person in the region. It was also legendary for its amount of intoxication; until the medieval times, Europeans generally did not think of themselves as being under the influence of alcohol, and generally just treated it as another beverage to enjoy.
In some countries, such as England and Australia, beer was not even mentioned in the Bible, making these countries unique in their approach to beer. In Australia, it is still prohibited to add beer to water in Punjab, Canada and India. However, in the United States, beer was becoming popular even prior to the Civil War, when Benjamin Franklin began importing beer during times of surplus from Belgium.
Most of the world’s beer is actually produced in just seven key countries: The United States, Germany, Poland, Russia, Britain and Ireland, and there are several others in close proximity. Of these, the most popular and well-known is the German beer, which is exports to the United States and other continents to be consumed by Americans. Germany, however, only consumed 2.6% of the world’s beer in 2006, as compared to 28% in the United States.
Also, the most popular beer in the world is Maltese beer, which is a micro-brewery style brew. In Maltese, beer is considered a social beverage, with local Facebook groups postingulate over beer recipes and events, and over 80,000 beer drinkers each day.
The Irish are famous for their beer, alcoholic beverages being among the most popular at parties and other occasions. Beer was also a part of everyday life; it was frequently brewed and drunk, and many times it was also traded and barbecued.
In Australia, beer was imported from German brewers, with One Zero andhands-on brewing being particularly popular. As with German beers, each country took a harsh approach to beer consumption laws, with alcohol generally being produced and consumed only in establishments that also did the brewing. From the end of the 18th Century on, there is no more need for beer to be served with meals; a trend that was taken from German traditions.
So what do you get from a beer? In a word: flavor. Not just the carbonation and taste, but the wide range of tastes and flavors offered by the beer. Each beer has its own Beermatterson, or a wine splinter, which offers a unique taste on the next level above the norm.