How’s Your Glutamine Levels?
Many people are unaware of how important glutamine is to our bodies. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body, but this fact was unknown to many people. However, now that we know about glutamine and the functions that it plays in the body, we can better appreciate just how important it is to date (sorry, but I had to say it!).
What Is Glutamine?
Although Glutamine is technically not an “amino acid”, it is considered to be an amino acid because of its molecular design, formation, and storage. Glutamine is stored primarily in muscle, liver, and kidney, and is an essential amino acid. This means that our bodies do not produce glutamine on its own, and we must consume glutamine from foods or supplements.
So What Does Glutamine Doing In Your Body?
Glutamine is an amino acid that helps to keep our immune system healthy. It is also used in the liver to aid in the detoxification process of the liver. Although glutamine is heavily promoted for having a functional role in our bodies, there is also evidence that it plays a major role in the aging process.
One of the major reasons that people think of glutamine as a “supplement” is because of the number of mass marketed glutamine supplements that are on the market. However, there are no “supplements” for glutamine in nature, only isolated compounds, and our bodies can produce this amino acid from foods.
Where Can Glutamine Be Found?
Believe it or not, glutamine is found in protein, and not just whey or other protein supplements. So whether you are taking whey protein in addition to glutamine, or as a stand-alone product, you will find that your body is able to absorb and use the protein containing this nutrient.
The best way to maximize glutamine supplementation is to combine protein and glutamine with some carbohydrate. I like to do this with a protein product that contains both whey and glutamine, such as bodyempler. This particular product is rich in both these ingredients, and the result is truly amazing. During my research I discovered that this remarkable product was over 99% pure, and I’ve been taking it consistently for several months.
The following ingredients are all necessary to make this product:
· Creatine for diminished muscle recovery after strenuous exercise· Glutamine for improved protein synthesis· Glycogen to supply amino acids to the muscle for rebuilding· Maca Root for anti-inflammatory and immune supporting properties· MSM to detoxify contributing to blood sugar levels· Green Tea for supporting digestive health· And some water to hydrate before I test the products before I buy them
Okay, Now For The Side Effects
What I have found while using this product is that there are some “side effects” that you might share with others. Although I purchased this product without selecting the side effects, I do not feel they will be major in terms of decrease in performance for my terrible lifting and workout experience.
To what degree I can’t say, but I will rather you skip them than suffering through the awful side effects that I’ve experienced. Here goes:
1. Diarrhea2. Burning Mouth sensation3. Headache4. Insomnistent heaviness in your vision5. Red eyes (Some people would say that this is the worse thing because it is an effect on the central nervous system)6. Nausea7.broader muscle pain8. Poor circulation9. In Feeling depressed10. Unexplained tiredness11. Infertility12. Abdominal Cramps13. Dry mouth14. discernible heartbeat15. Uncommon drowsiness16. Very Firm discomfort in your abdominal and/or chest area17. Sweating18. scarcity of tears19. Very Soft breasts20.itchy and chronically coughy21. Vomiting22. Sh Tracking/pasting powders(weights)23. Skin rashes24. Visible menstrual blood spots 25. Frequent colds26. Headaches27. Sleep Loss28. Lack of sex drive27. Dry scalp itching28. Stomach Problems29. Black/blue coloured urine30. Dark urine31. Yellow/Green urine32. Light urine33. Prurite itching34. nickel-sized warts on the skin which could be mistaken for fingernails or itchy. 35. Frequent colds and flu (can be asymptomatic)36. Skin problems37. Very dry upper respiratory tract37. Asthma38. CANCER39.