Good And Bad Cholesterol

In the United States, total cholesterol is measured and categorized according to the four categories of cholesterol: low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and polyunsaturated fat. HDL and LDL are the type of cholesterol that are generally favorable for health, while polyunsaturated fat may be considered the worst kind of fat.

total cholesterol is also known as the “good” cholesterol. Since the total cholesterol level is a result of the concentration of total blood cholesterol, it is important to note that LDL is also known as the “bad” cholesterol. Since the total blood cholesterol level is a measurement of the LDL and HDL levels in the blood, it is important to note that this is the measurement of the “bad” cholesterol.

red apple

Doctors highly recommend reducing or eliminating salt from the diet, as high salt intake is known to raise blood pressure. They also recommend that food with saturated fat should only be eaten with buttered dishes containing cheese or butter. This alone will decrease the risk of heart disease in many people.

Other measures that can be taken include increasing the amount of fish and fiber in the diet, drinking plenty of water and losing weight if the chance has been felt to do so. Exercise is also known to keep heart disease at bay and many doctors also recommend that before beginning a diet that cholesterol levels be checked.

Following cholesterol diet guidelines can also help to keep the body in a healthy state. While there is no cure for high blood cholesterol levels, medications through medication balls can be prescribed to help lower the LDL levels. In some cases, cholesterol levels can be lowered even further with statin drugs.

While there are no set daily cholesterol levels due to the individual amounts of cholesterol that can be found in an individual’s body, reducing the cholesterol intake through diet and exercise is known to have a marked effect on the lowering of the cholesterol levels. Along with diet and exercise, the effects of genetics and the daily stress levels of life are considered in choosing a diet that will benefit the lowering of blood cholesterol levels.

Finding the diets that work the best for one’s personal profile is the key in getting on a regime to reduce cholesterol. For most people, avoiding foods high in cholesterol is most likely not enough in reducing the risk of heart disease. It is important then to incorporate foods high in beneficial cholesterol to one’s diet, whether through planning or actuality. Some of the foods high in cholesterol can include eggs, poultry, meat and dairy products. Foods high in fiber can also be beneficial in reducing cholesterol and other fats and one’s cholesterol levels.

With all of the warnings, post-anguish warnings and cartoons on TV, it makes it hard to find the time to eat a salad and watch a show, so the question remains: how can one lower his or her cholesterol levels without medication? Easy! Start to eat the right foods. Here are some tips:

Limit Saturated Fat: Avoid any foods that are made from animal fat, including butter, as well as processed and hard margarine. Sauté vegetables in coconut oil, which will not only replace saturated fat, but also increase the levels of HDL cholesterol in the body.

Don’t Avoid All Fat: There are many different types of fat and not all are bad for you. Limit your intake of saturated fat (butter, for example) because this type of fat is known to raise your LDL cholesterol levels. All fats are not created equal.

Choose Only Good Fat: Not all fats are created equal. Plant sources of fat, such as soybeans, olive oil and nuts, are known for the excellent Omega-3 fatty acids that they contain. These fats have been shown to help reduce cholesterol. In fact, the medical think tank American Heart Association recommends that you eat fish, such as salmon, at least twice a week. If you have high cholesterol, you should only eat fish once a week. Since two servings of fish would be two servings of lean meat, you should be cutting your calories to appropriate levels to reduce the amount of fat, but not enough to skip meals.

Use High-Fiber Foods: Foods that have high-fiber content are also good for your cholesterol. These foods also help your digestive system function better, which is essential in lowering bad cholesterol levels. Oatmeal and oat bran are high-fiber foods, which also increase satiety control. If you add fiber-rich foods in your regular diet, you will likely be able to cut down on the bad cholesterol levels.

Once you decrease the bad cholesterol in your diet, you can naturally bring down the levels of bad cholesterol %builders. In the following section of the article, we will introduce thetop 10 HDL cholesterols foods. These foods have been Justice Department approved by the FDA and contain substances that have been clinically proven to lower bad cholesterol levels and raise good cholesterol levels.

vegetable salad on white plate