Go Raw For 30 Days? Here Are My 3 Top Tips For Success!
Number 1: Going Raw For 30 Days? Prepare These 3 Top Tips!
It is often a challenge to suddenly change our eating habits. Especially when we are used to the foods we eat or accustomed to the food we eat. My first tip is to whichever diet you are struggling with, regardless if it is low carb, gluten free, allerg free, vegan, etc. There is a flexibility diet for everyone. My second tip is to purchase a copy of my favorite raw food recipe book, Take It Raw. This book is available at Amazon, 1847 E. Amazon is an online bookstore. If you can, please give them a visit.
The third tip is to use tissues and non-perishable items as provided in the digestive system to help support your microbial load. This will support proper intestinal flora and help normalize disorders. I am not referring to the scientific theory of digestion, but more to the practical tips for helping support digestion.
It is not uncommon to experience gas, unpleasant smells, and body odors after eating a large meal. These things are signs that your body is not getting enough energy from the food you eat. One of the ways to insure that your body is getting enough energy from the food you eat is to ensure that you take a B12 supplement. Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that is not found in a typical multivitamin.
Foods with roughage contents can help to restore your digestive system. These foods are generally difficult to digest so you may have to use strained or minced forms. It helps to maintain the proper bowel movements so that you may be able to avoid constipation. These foods are also helpful in protecting you from any forms of cancer.
Steamed and other steamed foods usually have much the same effects as the foods described above unless the cooking method is a lot different, and even then, I have found that some of the information may be out of date.
Undercooked or Raw Foods Vs. Cooked Foods
Undercooked or raw foods are often OK to eat, but you should be careful. Undercooked or raw foods are not going to make you ill. However, it could make you have food poisoning or another illness.
When you cook foods, you are less able to control the quality of the food. However, you can still control the quantity, and you can still enjoy a meal.
I Don’t Get Sick Easily
Your body has its own wisdom, and it knows when you are NOT sick. The body does not always tell you when you are sick.
Some people get sick easily, others don’t. The body becomes sick quicker on some foods than on others. This is why there are foods some people can eat before feeling sick, and others can’t.
Having said that, there is an exception, and that is if you are allergic to a particular item. Allergies can make it very unpleasant to eat certain foods. Although allergies vary, the number of people who are allergic to a particular item is high. Therefore, it is possible to still enjoy a meal, even if you are allergic to something in it, as long as you GREAT careful.
Before you read this article, I would like to caution you that nutrition is more than just diet. Nutrition equals energy. Therefore, it is not possible to completely eliminate gluten from your diet, but if you do an excellent job of supporting your body throughout the day, you will find that you can enjoy meals, just eat less of them, and still have a feeling of fullness.
Gluten may be a challenge for some, but you will feel much better if you find ways to work with it. This way, you will able to enjoy a delicious meal, and feel like you are eating something special.
Here are some ideas to keep yougluten free
Atmeal – instant, poured over fruit, or eating with spoon and fork.
Fortunately, most people have no symptoms after eating these foods, and within a couple of days, you will probably be experiencingkymouthwateralso.
Fruits and vegetables – especially the skin varieties.
Milk and/or yoghurt, but NOT yogurt with other milk products!
Meat and blood products (such as chicken, sausage, blood and other products)
Eggs and egg products
Fish and other seafood.
Root vegetables.
bulbs, stems and shoots.
Tofu and tofu in place of meat.
Dairy products (almond, soy, fish, milk and others)
Nuts and seeds.
What you eat is what you are!
The so-called “Western” Versus the “eteenth century” meats and produce seen on TV.
In the past, people didn’t much care about what they ate as long as they were healthy.