But Before They Came To Eat

The story of how salt came to be is likely one that has been told many times. Indeed, because of its abundance and accessible nature, salt became a critical part of many border stories. This often involves a thirsty adventurer crossed into another country in search of supplies. He needs to cross rivers and withstand animals on the road. Usually he has to do this as quickly as possible, but not always. The story line often involves an exception. That exception was exceptional.

The traveler was not the first to add salt to his life. Europe had already taken a hard look at salt and flavored its products with spices and herbs. These journeys also became a way to preserve food. Pots and pans were fashioned out of precious metals found on the move. This is how pepper came to be served on bread. It is also how salt was used to cure meat with sea salt becoming a prime ingredient in dishes served at board meetings.

assorted-color candies

It was not going to be long before refrigeration was invented, and sea salt was relegated to a small niche on a dinner table. Beginnings of the convenient tea addition to meals were also initiated. Soon, tea was served with meals and this is truly how most global dishes are served today. Tea is found in every culture, and is as much a part of the meal as is the meat, fish and vegetables.

Brown Rice and Its Benefits

Brown rice has many health benefits. Unlike white rice, it does not contain any calories. It is rich in proteins and trace minerals. This rice is also a great source of vitamins B and E, calcium, fiber and potassium. It is basically a seed, but unlike most grains, it is whole. When consumed with meals, it fills you up, both physically and emotionally. Think of it as a meal in a glass.

The benefits of this rice are many. It is a super food. It is packed full of nutrients and can help with weight loss and digestion. It is also highly nutritious containing vitamins B and E, calcium, fiber and potassium. It is especially rich in phyto-nutrients. This rice is also a great source of Vitamin B, copper, magnesium and manganese.

Brown rice has pour grass in it. This nourishing grass is also known as barley grass. Both have been proven to have beneficial properties for both mind and body. Think of how much better you’ll feel after eating pouring grass!

Brown rice is also highly beneficial to those who suffer from diabetes. For those with no diabetes, brown rice continues to be a good source of carbohydrates and can help lower blood cholesterol. Both brown rice and pour grass contain essential amino acids. This rice has such a rich source of the beneficial nutrient collagen. In addition to this, the bran oil contains adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals necessary for proper body function.

Brown rice has become a huge hit among those looking to add more vitamins and minerals to their diet. The magazine, Weight Watchers, has praised brown rice, calling it a “super grain” and urging its readers to “splurge” on it. The company promoting this rice product has said that it will eventually be used as a main ingredient in combination with other grains in the campaign to encourage weight loss.

Perhaps you are wondering why I am promoting brown rice over white. The answer is rather obvious. In the white rice, the bran and germ layer are removed. This layer cherishes and preserves the nutriment, but since it is removed, the bran oil cannot be preserved like the germ layer can. When the oil is refined, the moisture is removed and the rice becomes a polished rice. The best oil to use for cooking is sunflower oil. For a more discriminating person, they may choose to buy organic and call it heartier. I have seen white nectarines sold as flourless, so you could make them at home. I have also seen them sold with sunflower oil so they are truly whole grain.

As a child, I was told that brown rice was cooler and had a chewier texture. I was well into my teens before I realized that was not the case. I realized it had nothing to do with the way it looked, but instead, it had more fiber and nutrients that made it a pleasure to eat. Serving brown rice for dinner was not a problem. It kept my father happy and I wasn’t starving after eating rice for dinner.

Serving brown rice for dinner wasn’t a problem, so I never had to worry about it. On the contrary, it was wonderful and delicious.

bread served on white plate