Healthy Smoothies For Kids – What’s Healthy About Them?
I am pretty sure as a child we all remember our parents telling us to eat our fruit and vegetables, and now we want to pass that onto my kids, as living a healthy lifestyle becomes more and more important.
Well, not only is it important to eat lots of fruit and vegetables (ala green tea and Brussels sprouts) in their natural form, but also foods in the form of smoothies. Indeed, the more processed foods you eat, the more they tend to become a part of the ‘bad’ cholesterol in your body and diet. However, with more and more attention to healthy eating, and a push from the media, albeit slowly but surely, we are changing our diet and our lifestyle and in so doing our bodies.
A recent study by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) revealed that the percentage of children aged 2 to 11 years old who’ve tried at least one gluten-free diet has risen from 7% to 24% over the last year. The CSPI says that this is in part because more and more parents are raising their youngsters gluten-free, but also because manufacturers are meeting the demand from parents and children alike. The demand for gluten-free options is on the rise, and with it comes a wider range of gluten-free foods on the market.
This is a problem for celiac disease sufferers, but not so much for coeliac disease sufferers. In fact, the market for gluten-free foods has grown by an astounding percentage. In just one year alone, 2010, gluten-based food and beverages have grown by 10% overall. The research reported by Mintel shows that the biggest growth areas are in the Asia-Pacific region and in North America, while in India and Europe it is between 10 and 20% overall.
The huge popularity of these beverages is well deserved. Support for coeliac disease is at an all-time high, and manufacturers are doing their utmost to satisfy this market. In fact, in 2011, the market for gluten-free beverages was worth $4.5 billion, and is projected to reach $7.8 billion by the end of 2012.
The most popular of these beverages is Inositol, and is also referred to as cyclohexane – it is the basis for cyclohexane. This can be found in Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Starbucks and many other major brands. This drink can be consumed as one would would would any other beverage, and due to the low levels of oleic acid, this one is considered to be the healthier option.
Vanilla planifoliaor vanilla beans produce excellent products, one of which is pure vanilla extract. This product is used in many baking products, such as cookies, cakes and ice cream. It is also used in soaps and shampoos. Individuals have also started making their ownVanillaameden dracon dialectakes, which are also benedictable. Another product that benefits from the using ofVanillaamminigittaf beans is ice cream. Again, individuals have taken this ice cream on as a lunch break activity or after school activity.
Lindtasures Cinnamon Roll-ups
Also known as, sweet biscuit rolls. They are made by rolling a binder of cinnamon into a ball, which is then used to encase a filling. The fillings can be made cinnamon raisin, chocolate, cherry, blueberry, and primary cheese. The primary cheese can be chosen to keep the overall cost down. Here are some of theLindtiestribute rolls.
Lemon Olive Oil Cake
For those who love chocolate, this one is a favorite. It has a relatively short preparation time. The primary ingredients in this delightful dinner are softened butter, white sugar, shortening, egg, and vanilla. The other ingredients include: lemon, orange juice, all-purpose flour, baking powder, and cinnamon.
French Bread Puff
This is typically a breakfast dish. It is one of the healthier ones, as typically French bread does not contain a lot of fat or cholesterol. The overall fat content is usually 10% for this type of bread. Butter or margarine is usually used in preparation of this dish. It is a fast and famous dish in the United States and around the world.
Salted Caramel Banana King Cake
This king cake delivers on robust cinnamon and rich buttery caramelized bananas. This is one of the many examples of a King cake that is consumed in this holiday season. In the United States and in many other countries, this cake is a particularly associated with the Christmas season.
Peanut Butter and Salmon Crock Pot Casserole
This savory recipe is a delicious accompaniment to the meal that is packed with warmth and flavor.